Lincoln turned 4 months old yesterday. It's amazing how much faster things go, the more kids I have! It has just flown by. I feel like I'm missing stuff. Not marking enough milestones, taking enough pictures. He's such a sweet baby. He seems to be a little more temperamental than the other two. He's easily bothered by loud noises, and he likes toys with bright colors and lights, but only for very short periods of time, and then he melts down. Poor little man gets overstimulated. Up until just recently, he couldn't stand toys that make noise. Like his bouncer that sings songs and plays music. He would get hysterical if I turned the sound on.
Another fantastic milestone here at 4 months - this one for mommy. Today, I am wearing my good old size 2 jeans again!!! Yay!!! And they look pretty good, I must say. I thought size 2 would never be back again, so this is a big big day for me! I've still got lots of toning to do, but it was a surprise today when it occurred to me that my size 4's have been nearly falling off for weeks, and pulled out a brand new pair of size 2's - and they fit!! I bought jeans while I was pregnant - Old Navy had a $7 jean sale, didn't want to pass up on the great price, but wasn't sure what size I'd be after the 3rd baby, so I bought 2 pair size 4 and 2 pair size 2, realizing the size 2 would probably collect dust forever or until they were completely out of style. (P.S. If anyone wants 2 pair of cute size 4 jeans for a steal, let me know!!) So I'm back to me again. It feels good. My pants finally fit, and now I'm ready to go shopping! During the pregnancy I also cleaned out my closet, got rid of everything I've been keeping in their for years, all the clothes that are too worn out or out of style. I was left with like 8 shirts. Spending 2 years being pregnant over the last 3 years, pretty much everything needed to go. So I need to start fresh now. I refused to go buy a whole new wardrobe until I had gotten rid of the baby weight - but looks like I can at least buy my normal size now! Who wants to go shopping?? Sorry Ken - Better get selling!!!! ;-)
YEA!!!! your in the blog world. I love it as you can tell.. Lincoln is growing up sooo fast. We need a playdate soon. I didnt even get to hold him at shawna's and thanks for the advice. Im so going to get that book.. I think she is very needy to me and just wakes up and realizes mommy isnt there and it needs to stop so I cant get one full night rest. he he love ya girl
So happy to have you in the blogging world!!! Lil Linc is ADORABLE!!! I can't believe he is already 4 months...time flies!!! In a few short months...all the babies will be playing at Brooklyn's first birthday!!! CRAZY!!!
Yay!!! I can't believe how fast the time is flying by. Congrats on getting back into your old size, that's exciting!!
size 2 already? NICE!
yea tristan is staying with us for a while liz is taking care of herself.
your kids are ADORABLE and yall look so happy!!!
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